How to speed up the DNS propagation?

DNS propagation is a fundamental concept in the world of the internet, crucial for both web developers and everyday users. In this article we will dive into what it is, why it takes time, and practical steps to speed up the process.

What is DNS Propagation?

DNS propagation is the process by which the updated DNS records of a domain are spread across all the DNS servers worldwide. Essentially, it’s the period during which updates to a DNS record (such as changing the IP address linked to a domain name) take to be fully updated across the internet’s web servers.

When you make changes to your DNS records, like switching hosting providers or moving to a different server, those changes aren’t immediate. Every server that caches DNS information needs to update its cache, leading to a propagation period.

Read more “How to speed up the DNS propagation?”

Everything you need to know about UDP

UDP has truly earned its place as an integral part of the networking community. It’s a reliable and lightweight protocol enables fast communication between computers. And making it ideal for real-time applications like video streaming or online gaming. Moreover, with its many benefits over TCP, UDP will remain a key player in data transmission for years to come! So buckle up – let’s deeply dive into why UDP should be a crucial part of your networking toolkit!

Why does DNS use UDP?

Read more “Everything you need to know about UDP”

Getting familiar with Private DNS server

Today we will explore one really important component of your secure online surfing – A Private DNS server. Let’s start.

Private DNS server: Explanation & Example

Let’s imagine you begin your Android/ Apple device’s search for various items while connected to a public network (like one at a shopping mall). Your search queries could be intercepted by someone else on the same network who has the necessary abilities, allowing them to know exactly what you’re looking for. That might not be hazardous, or it might be dangerous. In either case, why run the risk?

Read more “Getting familiar with Private DNS server”